Oak Lawn Community Baptist Church
Oak Lawn Community Baptist Church

Our Music Program


Praise the Lord, my heart!

My whole life give praise

Let me sing to God

As long as I live   (Psalm 146: 1-2)



One of the best ways of expressing our faith and deepening our love of God is to respond to His invitation to share the talents He has given us by doing good works in His vineyard of song.


Our Music Ministry is a very important part of our church community, and our Sanctuary Choir is open to anyone interested in being a part of this exciting program. For information, contact Corrinne Ricketson, Director, or any member of the choir. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings, at 7pm in the Quaker Room.

Adult Bible Study

We offer Adult Bible Study sessions periodically throughout the year. Exact dates and times vary, so please look at our Calendar and Announcements tab for specific information.

Worship Service

Sundays, 9:30am ET

Contact Us

Oak Lawn Community Baptist Church

229 Wilbur Avenue

Cranston, RI 02921-1016

Phone: 401 944-0864

Email: olcbc229@gmail.com


Or use our contact form.

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